21.4.2022, 6:39
Ahoj Mišáčku, mám tu další zprávu z Varadera od naší kubánské kešky, tentokrát logovali Němci:)
Logoval: GöttingerGöttin
Typ logu: Found it
Datum: 9. 4. 2022
Umístění: Cuba
Typ: Traditional Cache
I went with BernhardGruber on a special mission and explored Cuba. It was a great trip where we experienced and saw very impressive things. [8D] This was my first trip to Cuba.
Today we were in Varadero. When we got to the house nobody was outside so we shouted „Roselia!!!“. After a few seconds we got the answer „Moment“ and Roselia came with the container. We were allowed to sit in the rocking chair to sign the logbook of the traditional cache mi casa. Then we talked a bit and said goodbye.
We have saved space either with stamp or handwritten only with the initials „GGBG“.
Thanks to Pitufini for the cache and showing us this place! [:)]
Greetings from Germany – GöttingerGöttin